Name:- Rohith Emmanuel
Roll Number: 14043
Group B(Operations Batch)
Today’s class was on the aspects
of the program SPSS (statistical package for the social sciences), although
developed for the purpose of statistical data of social relevance, we would be
using the program to understand the business implications of the data provided .The
software is a very useful tool in analysis of information from the gathered data
and its functionalities are plenty with the range of statistical tabs
available. SPSS is a comprehensive and flexible statistical analysis and data
management solution. SPSS can take data from any type of file and generates charts,
tables, reports etc. Today’s the class delved into the introductory module of
the SPSS software package with a simple example of a “survey of an American
society” (data already provided with the software) and understanding the
functions –cross tabulations and frequencies.
The frequency tab was an easy
method and a great advantage over the excel counterpart in extracting information
from the entire data provided about the frequency of relevant parameters.
The cross tabulations tab is used
to understand the relations between various parameters .In the above example
taken in class simple study was done to understand the reason why first time
marriages occur below the age of 21 and this tab allowed us to make a
hypotheses on the reason for the same and allowed us to compare and measure the
frequencies required of the two parameters in question. For eg. Group B
hypothesised that the reason for the above might be due to the fact that lots
of people oppose sex education in school .After having cross tabulated both the
parameters(number of people opposing sex ed in school and early marriage people
), a Pearson’s chi-square test is done to
measure the test for independence and it was found that the null hypothesis is
valid or that the number opposing sex ed in school has no relation to the early
marriage .Thus we tested a simple hypothesis , further the Chi- square test can be also used for
goodness of fit and similarly this software package gives a lot more
applications which would be covered in the following classes.
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